Sunday, January 24, 2010

The gathering

It's a dreary Sunday here in Mathews, VA. As Mike and I left to run some errands this is the sight that greeted us across the road. Happily, they were gathered on a house other than ours. Something about a flock of vultures that is a bit ominous! So I leave you all with a very interesting photo long as it isn't your house!


  1. Too bad Mr Hitchcock is dead, it looks as if they are waiting to audition for a sequel to The Birds! Nice snap, Ghostless!

  2. OMG!! There were three vultures in a tree near my porch yesterday morning. Freaked me out!! I can't imagine how I would feel if the whole darn family showed up:/

  3. Thanks, they were there again this a.m. I counted 21 of them! I need a better telephoto lens...yes, Darl, it did remind me of the movie the Birds, when I tried to walk a little closer thru the field they started to fan their wings at me....I took that to mean, back off. Having heard that vultures vomit on their adversaries I heeded their warning.

  4. Buzzards! They flock around here cleaning up after the hunters.
